What I read in 2019: A hasty list

I was yearning for books at the beginning of last year, and I got ‘em. Here are the ones I can remember from a little forensics work I did around the house and in my notebooks. Some favorites in bold.

  1. The Unsettlers by Mark Sundeen

  2. Healthy Houseplants

  3. Sprout Lands (unfinished)

  4. Good and Mad, Rebecca Traister

  5. Life Would Be Perfect if I Lived in That House (reread)

  6. Her Body and Other Parties, Carmen Maria Machado

  7. What If This Were Enough? by Heather Havrilesky

  8. Emergent Strategy (or was this 2018?) (unfinished)

  9. Friday Black

  10. 100 Essays I Don’t Have Time to Write (unfinished)

  11. The Yiddish Policemen’s Union

  12. Flaneuse (unfinished)

  13. Hope in The Dark (reread?)

  14. Magdalene (Poems) by Marie Howe

  15. Betwixt and Between

  16. The Places that Scare You (unfinished)

  17. Both Ways Is the Only Way I Want It

  18. Finding Your Voice: a practical and spiritual approach to singing and living

  19. On Bullfighting, AL Kennedy

  20. The Great Believers, Rebecca Makkai

  21. Bloodchild, Octavia Butler

  22. Changing My Mind, Zadie Smith

  23. Hillbilly Elegy

  24. The Body is not an Apology

  25. You Have the Right to Remain Fat

  26. The Finnish Way

  27. Ugly: The Aesthetics of everything

  28. So Sad Today: essays by Melissa Broder

  29. The Little Book of Hygge

  30. Mushroom Walks

  31. The Great Gatsby (reread)

  32. Seriously Sweet (A.L. Kennedy)

  33. Among the Liberal Elite

  34. Digital Minimalism

  35. Catalina

  36. The First Rule of Punk (YA)

  37. Madonna in a Fur Coat

  38. The Death of a Civil Servant

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